Ethiopian Schools Project - Introduction

We have launched a new website - please follow this link to be connected:

The Ethiopian Schools Project developed from our first trip to Ethiopia in August 2006. We learned that 600 children in a district of Shashemene were receiving no education. There were three main reasons for this: no local school; school fees are too expensive; and any available schools are situated too far away. In January 2007, Christine and others negotiated with the local council in Shashemene for provision of land on which to build a primary school. We have formed a three-way partnership between ourselves, Schools for Humanity USA, and a local committee in Ethiopia. The groups in Northern Ireland & the USA will share the funding costs for provision of the new school, and the committee in Shashemene will oversee the establishment of the school. As an interim arrangement, a temporary school is operating in a rented building for 12 months, until the completion of the new building.

We have recently adopted our new logo and identity - 'Hope and a Future'. This is reflective of God's promise to his children: 'I know the plans I have for you', declares the Lord, 'plans to give you hope and a future' (Jeremiah 29:11). It also reflects our heart for the children of Shashemene, and our desire to ensure that every child has the opportunity to build hope and a future through the provision of educational facilities.

We will endeavour to update this website regularly, with information on the developments in Ethiopia, and on the fundraising processes in Northern Ireland. Please take a browse through our site via the links on the left of this page - you will find more detailed information on the schools project, as well as many images from the Shashemene community, which will give you a real feel for the place. For more information, please contact us on info@hopeandafuture.co.uk