About Shashemene

Ethiopia spent a lot of time in the media headlines throughout the 1980s, when the country was wracked with drought and famine. Over 20 years on, Ethiopia's situation is no longer as immediately desperate as it was then; however, the majority of people living in Ethiopia still struggle with extreme levels of poverty. According to UNICEF, average individual income does not exceed US$160 per annum. Life expectancy at birth is only 48 years, and the rate of primary school enrolment & attendance is as low as 31%. Click here for more UNICEF statistics.

Shashemene is a town situated directly south of Addis Adaba, on the main trading route between the capital city and Nairobi, Kenya. Click here to view a map of Ethiopia. Despite the constant trade passing through the town, many families remain in a cycle of poverty, and their children have little or no access to formal education. The local government school is oversubscribed, and under-resourced. The number of children in Shashemene who are not receiving educational provision is around 600.

In spite of all its difficulties, Ethiopia is a beautiful place, and there are many positive things going on. Within Shashemene, the community is keen to be involved in its own development, and there has been much support for the school project. Take a look through the pictures below, and you will see that that there is much beauty in Ethiopia, both its land and its people. There is hope in Shashemene, and a future for its children.

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