Kevin & Christine Keenan - About Us

We have had an interest in aid work in Africa since the 1980s, when we got heavily involved in fundraising for Ethiopia during the famine in 1984-85. However, it was some 20 years later before we first got the opportunity to visit the continent – in 2004, we visited Cape Town, South Africa. We had the chance to see firsthand some of the realities of poverty in Africa, which only confirmed further our desire to visit the continent again.In 2006, we led our first Habitat for Humanity team to Ethiopia. We built seven houses on that trip, but more than that, we built strong relationships with the people in Shashemene. Christine travelled back to Ethiopia in January 2007. She had been challenged by how little the children in Shashemene had, and felt led to return with toys and gifts for the community.On that trip in Jan 07, Christine became aware of the need for a school within the local community in Shashemene. She met with local community leaders, and discussed how a potential schools project could be taken forward. The leaders in the community (specifically Wondimu & Kefyalew) have long had a desire to provide education for the children in their community. Together with them, and in partnership with Dave Brown (from America) and Erin McLeod (from Canada), Christine supported an application for land on which to build a school. The process of achieving the land is ongoing, and is soon to be finalised.In September 2007, Christine once again visited Ethiopia. This time, the purpose was to assess the funding needs for maintaining temporary school premises, which has been leased for a year. The proposed date for opening the permanent school is mid-2008. Currently, 164 children from some of the poorest families in the Shashmene community are registered with the school – they begin their first lessons in October 2007.In August 2007, we also led a second Habitat for Humanity team to the Meru province of Kenya. Again, we were building homes, but the team was so much more than the practical work being done. Kenya was a wonderful place, and we are yet to see how further avenues may open up for us in that country. Watch this space!!