Activities so far

Temporary School Building - Sept 2007

We hope that the permanent school in Shashemene will be up and running by the middle of 2008. In the interim period, the committee in Ethiopia have secured the use of a temporary building for the school. Christine and Sybil travelled to Ethiopia in Sept 2007, in time to see the temporary school open its doors to its first eager students.

While in Shashemene, Christine & Sybil were able to deliver school uniforms for the children, which had been provided through the financial support given to the Hope and a Future project in Ireland. They also spent time with Wondimu and the other committee members, discussing the immediate needs for the temporary school, and the ongoing efforts required to establish a permanent school for the children of Shashemene.

The following photo albums will show you both images of the temporary school, and of the children receiving their new school uniforms. Wondimu and his committee have been estalishing relationships with local businesses to make arrangements for school uniforms to be made, so that the permanent school will be able to provide these from within the local community.

Click on the thumbnails to view photo album:

Temporary School Building - Sept 2007

School Uniforms

Toys - January 2007

Following on from our first trip to Shashemene, Ethiopia in 2006, Christine & John returned in January 2007. The primary purpose of the visit was to deliver toys to the children in the community as a Christmas gift. The timing of this visit was also significant, as it was when the opportunity really arose for involvement in the schools project.

Click on the thumbnail below to view images of the kids in Shashemene receiving their toys:

Toys - Jan 2007